Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) answer common questions about ActFax people often ask. Just click at
one of the FAQ entries below to find out more.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
- Which modems and fax boards do you recommend for ActFax?
- How can I update an existing ActFax installation to a new version?
- Can I use ActFax on a virtual machine?
- Can ActFax be used with a Web Fax Provider (Cloud Fax)?
- Is VoIP/SIP (Fax over IP) supported by ActFax?
- Does ActFax support color documents and text-based PDF documents?
- Can I install ActFax through Windows Group Policy Objects (GPO)?
- Why is my 10-digit ActFax license key is not accepted by the system?
- How can I do a backup of the ActFax files?
- How can I transfer an existing ActFax installation to a new computer?
- Can the number of users for an ActFax license be increased?
- How can I append files or documents to a fax?
- How can I access transmitted and received faxes from a different computer in the network?
- How can I send faxes from Unix and Linux?
- How can I automatically set the recipient of a fax and other data from an application?
FAQs - Common Problems and Errors
- How can I send faxes to incompatible fax machines?
- No network printers are available on the fax server.
- Transmission errors occur when sending faxes with an analog modem.
- Connecting to the fax server through a terminal server session is not possible.
- The same area code should be used for local calls and for long distance calls.