******************************************* * R e l e a s e N o t e s A c t F a x * ******************************************* =========================================== = Version 10.30 - Build 0571 [2024-10-02] = =========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for Windows 11 update version 24H2. * New option HTTPDisableBlacklist to disable the blacklist for the Retarus fax service. * Optimizations in the Active Directory interface. * New options MailNotifyErrorTextRecv and MailNotifyErrorTextSend to set an additional text for notification emails of failed transmissions. * Write the number of channels for XCAPI installations to the Registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ActFax Communication\ActiveFax\XCAPIChannels. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Fixed bug after change in RingCentral web fax service interface. =========================================== = Version 10.25 - Build 0565 [2024-03-14] = =========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * New option to use the sender number for SIP connections. * Functional extension for SMTP authentication via OAuth2. * New Microsoft Compiler Toolset VS2024. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with status updates for Retarus Web Fax Service caused by missing HTTP Content-Length header solved. * Improvements in the PDF converter. =========================================== = Version 10.20 - Build 0562 [2023-10-05] = =========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for Windows 11 update version 23H2. * Embed barcode fonts into PDF files. * New parameter to set the length of the direct dial number (MSN) when importing from Active Directory. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with OAuth2 authentication in Office 365 with access tokens with a size of more than 4 kB solved. * Remove unsupported characters \ and " from RingCentral recipient names. * Enclose path with spaces in quotation marks for service. =========================================== = Version 10.15 - Build 0557 [2023-05-08] = =========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support of the new Web fax provider eFax Corporate (eFax Enterprise). * Support of the new Web fax provider SRFax. * Support of the new Web fax provider OpenText. * New option ,F for data field @F606 to delete folder after processing. * Receive status from multiple servers for Web fax provider Retarus. * Mapping of users in alphabetical order if there are multiple matching users for a DID. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with OAuth2 authentication with MS Edge browser solved. * Problem with empty pages when printing color documents on the fax client fixed. * Bug in the evaluation of text fields fixed (incorrect display of print jobs). * Fixed occasional problem with wrong display of the license limit. * Ignore error message when getting status of deleted faxes via RingCentral. =========================================== = Version 10.10 - Build 0551 [2023-02-01] = =========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support of the new Web fax provider ProFaxA1. * New parameter FaxOverMailAddress in options.cfg file, to send outbound faxes to a preset email address of a mail-to-fax provider. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Data fields in the document name have not been evaluated correctly when using the color printer driver. * Fixed occasional PDF conversion error (invalid PDF format). * Expansion of the maximum user ID. * Timeout issue with TLS connections solved. * Fixed false processing of accumulated documents when using the data fields @F700 and @F701 with the color printer driver. * Problem with parameter ExportSetPath on Windows 7 or newer systems solved. * Problem with the detection of PDF documents for inbound faxing through Web Fax Providers solved. * Do not substitude commas in file names when automatically exporting documents. * Problem with extra spaces in data fields with very small font size (1 pt or 2 pt) in color printer driver fixed. =========================================== = Version 10.05 - Build 0547 [2022-09-13] = =========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Direct import of PDF documents without Ghostscript add-on software. * New color printer driver for creation of color PDF documents. * Creation of text-based, vectorized and searchable PDF documents. * Use of data fields directly in PDF documents. * Use of data fields without formatting in the ActiveFax font. * Use of text fields (simplified data fields). * Creation of PDF/A compatible PDF files. * Better conversion of color documents to monochrome fax format. * Support of AES-256 bit encryption for PDF documents. * Support for Windows 10 and Windows 11 update version 22H2. * New interface for ConcordFax Web fax service. * Extension to select the server for ConcordFax Web fax service. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * When switching to the next modem on failed fax transmissions, modems with an error state are not selected. ========================================== = Version 8.25 - Build 0421 [2022-06-23] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for Windows 11 22H2 RTM (Build 22621). * Support for the RingCentral service providers AT&T Office@Hand, Avaya Cloud Office, BT Cloud Work, Alcatel Rainbow Office, TELUS Business Connect, Atos Unify Office, Vodafone Business, Frontier, Symphony, 1&1 Connected Calls, ecotel and Verizon. * Ability to configure individual fax parameters for fax numbers via the menu Communication / Modem / Modem Mapping. * Automatic update of refresh tokens of rarely used accounts for OAuth2 SMTP authentication. * New parameter ForwardLimitDigits in options.cfg file to limit the number of digits when forwarding fax messages. * Automatic detection of the user based on the email address of the sender, when no user is submitted with a fax. * New parameter POP3ScanSubject and IMAPScanSubject to scan the complete subject of an email for a valid fax number. * Checking alias names for the domain of the senders email address when mapping users for faxes imported through POP3 or IMAP protocol. * New parameter ForwardNoDefault in options.cfg file to not pre-set a fax number when forwarding. * New parameter GroupSetController in options.cfg file to configure the modem selection for outgoing faxes per group. * New parameter MailOAuthIgnoreIDToken in options.cfg file to ignore the email address of the ID token when using OAuth2 authentication. * New parameter MailBase64 in options.cfg file to encode text and HTML emails in base64 format. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Increased maximum password length for SMTP authentication from 64 characters to 128 characters. * Fixed erroneous calculation of the free hard disk capacity for very large drives with more than 4 TB. * Error in evaluating data fields when importing via file system with reference file and using data field @F702 has been fixed (data fields were not evaluated). * Fixed problem with -IP command line parameter in setup. ========================================== = Version 8.20 - Build 0418 [2022-02-24] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * New Microsoft Compiler Toolset VS2022. * New tool AFMerge.exe to merge the fax data and the transmission protocol of two fax servers. * Support for multiple fax numbers (separated with comma) when importing faxes through email with POP3 or IMAP protocol. * Signing of executable program components with new SHA-384 certificate. * Checking alias names for email address and name of the user when importing emails through POP3 or IMAP. * New option to generate printouts and email notifications only for successful fax transmissions. * New parameters %DATE% and %TIME% for the export filename of the transmission protocol. * Allow the + sign to be used for the MSN of the sender of a fax. * New parameter LoginProtocolConnect in optinos.cfg file to create a log for connections that do not use authentication. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with OAuth2 authentication with Office 365 mail servers solved. * When importing HTML messages without a tag through POP3 or IMAP, the message text is still processed. * Problem with OAuth2 authentication when using the MS Edge browser or when using IE that automatically redirects to MS Edge fixed. * Missing status update when using the data fields @F555 FAXNUMBER@ and @F555 EMAIL@ solved. * Buffer for querying the list of available printer has been increased to show all printers on systems with a very large number of printers. * Wrong evaluation of the page number and duration in the transmission protocol when receiving faxes through the fax provider Fax.de from fax machines with an empty CSID. * Problem with the status of the option to display enabled sounds on the fax client solved. ========================================== = Version 8.10 - Build 0413 [2021-09-20] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for Windows 11 and Windows 2022. * Support for Windows 10 21H2. * Integration of Push notifications for etherFax Web Fax Service. * Support of Unicode file names when importing faxes through the file system. * Processing of emails in HTML format (text/html) when importing faxes through POP3 or IMAP interface. * Optional configuration of the port number when using multiple SMTP servers. * New parameters POP3ForceHTML, IMAPForceHTML, POP3IgnoreHTML and IMAPIgnoreHTML in options.cfg file, to force or ignore the processing of HTML messages when importing faxes through POP3 or IMAP. * Using TLS 1.2 encryption for update checks and update downloads done by the fax server. * Billing Code (billingCode) has been added for Retarus Web Fax Service. * Support for data fields when using the parameter MailNotifyLink in the options.cfg file. * New parameter MailNotifyLinkURLEncode in options.cfg file, to convert special characters in a link to URL-encoded format. * When using the data field @F505, check if the directory exists and create non-existing directory. * New parameter ,S for the data field @F606, to not attach the original fax document to the email (skip). When using this parameter, only attachments referred in the data field @F606 are sent with the email. * Enhanced check of the Direct Dial (MSN) field in the User Administrator. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with inbound faxes with InterFax Web Fax Service solved (changed URL of the fax service). * Problem with detection of the email address when no space is used between the name and the email address fixed for POP3 and IMAP import. * Modified timing for the CAPI driver initialization to avoid possible problems with the initialization of some Bintec routers. * When automatically switching to the next modem after failed tramsmission attempts, also switch to the next modem when Web Fax Services are configured as the default modem for outgoing faxes. * Enhanced error processing for ConcordFax Web Fax Service. ========================================== = Version 7.70 - Build 0392 [2021-06-07] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for the Web Fax Provider etherFax. * New feature to configure an individual SMTP server for each user to send outgoing emails. * New option to import faxes with status Read for Web Fax Provider RingCentral. * New parameter POP3BodyTextCoverPage and IMAPBodyTextCoverPage in options.cfg file, to show the body text of the email on the cover page when importing emails with attachments through POP3 or IMAP. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with CallerID evaluation for blacklist solved. * Problem with long MIME parameters with import through POP3 and IMAP interface solved (MIME Continuations). * Use zero padding to display the Fax-ID (data field @F408) in combination with the parameter ExportFilename. ========================================== = Version 7.65 - Build 0387 [2021-05-03] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for Windows 10 Update 21H1. * Support of the Web Fax Provider RingCentral. * Support of the Web Fax Provider Retarus. * Added the code signing algorithm SHA256. * Support of additional accounts for Web Fax Services for outgoing and incoming faxes. * New parameter ModemDialE164 in options.cfg file to always dial fax numbers in E.164 format. * New parameter MailDisableHTML in options.cfg file, to send emails always in Text format instead of mixed Text/HTML format. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with the import of Tiff files in G4 format in Web Fax Services solved. * Modified file permissions for client configuration files. * Fixed problem with wrong resolution when processing PDF files through Web Fax Services in combination with the GhostscriptResolution parameter. ========================================== = Version 7.60 - Build 0382 [2021-02-08] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * MSI installation package for software distribution through GPO (Group Policy Object). * Automatic and manual encryption of PDF documents with a password using AES-128 encryption standard. * Support of the new Web Fax Service Providers InterFax and Phaxio. * Direct access to Active Directory contacts through the phone book. * Search function for the Cost Account Administrator. * Checking the status of the ActiveFax printer driver in the setup to avoid interrupted installation process caused by locked driver files. * Integration of the user's manual in the menu of the fax server and fax client. * Automatic correction of the resolution when importing Tiff files with wrong resolution parameters. * New parameter ADUserMapField in the options.cfg file, to map optional fields when importing users from Active Directory. * Changing the IP address for all client users when using the parameter -IP in the setup. * New option ExportPath in the options.cfg file, to set a fixed path for the manual export of faxes. * Immediately changing the transmission status of faxes with an invalid fax number to Undeliverable when using the Fax.de/PC-Fax.com Web fax provider. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Delay when deleting a large number of faxlist entries fixed. * Program crash when exporting documents with a very large resolution solved. * Problem with hung deinstallation process fixed. * Status of automatic startup of the fax client is now only taken from the Registry entry of the user to avoid a wrong status to be displayed. * Problem with the detection of the Windows default printer fixed. * Checking the number of files in a directory when changing permission settings in the setup, since Windows might block when changing permission settings for directories with a very large number of files. * Problem with central storage of the column width and the sort order of the phone book have been solved. * Problem with hidden error messages when using the Outlook contacts in the phone book of the printer dialog has been fixed. * Error displayed for the connection test of the ConcordFax Web Fax Service has been fixed according to changes in the ConcordFax API specifications. * Ignore revoked Administrator permission through group permission for the Administrator user. ========================================== = Version 7.50 - Build 0374 [2020-11-16] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Active Directory integration for automatic import of users and groups. * Permissions on group level. * Support for Windows 10 Update 20H2. * Storage of local client data changed to the AppData directory (%appdata%) of the user currently logged on. * New parameter ProtocolPrintEndTime in options.cfg file, to print the start time as well as the end time of fax transmissions on the transmission protocol. * Support of default data fields for fax import through scanner. * New parameter ExportFaxCount in options.cfg file, to export the number of faxes of each category as a numeric value to a file. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with compressed appearance of inbound faxes in normal resolution through Web Fax Services solved. ========================================== = Version 7.15 - Build 0342 [2020-09-14] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for IMAP protocol to receive faxes through email. * New parameters POP3ShowBlockedMails and IMAPShowBlockedMails to still show rejected emails with an invalid format as a locked entry in the faxlist. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Application crash when exporting faxes in PDF format with more than 20 Jpeg files is fixed. * Use the submission time of the fax for the transmission time in the fax header for faxes sent through Web Fax Services. * Adjustments to file system permissions for fax client access. ========================================== = Version 7.10 - Build 0335 [2020-05-25] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for Windows 10 Update 20H1 (Version 2004). * Implementation of the OAuth2 authentication standard. * Optimizations for the Fax.de and PC-Fax.com Web Fax Services. * New function to direcly map fax numbers to a specific modem. * New function to automaticaly switch to the next modem after a predefined number of failed transmission attempts. * Improved detection of the user name based on the sender name and email address for fax imports through POP3. * New option for Web Fax Service to specify, if the Web Fax Service should be used by default for outgoing fax messages. * New modem type HTTP (Web Fax Service) in the modem selection, to explicitly send faxes through the Web Fax Service. * Maximum limitation to 4096 characters removed for external data fields. * New parameters MailNotifyPagesRecv and MailNotifyPagesSend in the options.cfg file, to set the number of pages sent with email notifications. * New parameter FileSystemFilenameField in the options.cfg file, to store the file name of the import file in a defined data field. * Added scroll capability to the Comment fields to support longer text. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with overlapping text when displaying large error messages on the screen has been solved. * Problem with partial display of long direct dialing numbers (MSN) in the user list of the User Administrator solved. * Wrong position of images and comments when forwarding imported fax messages is solved. * Wrong fax position when forwarding received faxes is solved. * Timeout in SMTP server for user login without a password is fixed. ========================================== = Version 6.98 - Build 0324 [2020-03-02] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support of new Web fax service Fax.de. * Optimization of the TCP/IP communication between the fax server and the fax clients. * Added transmission protocol entries for inbound faxes imported through the data field @F580. * Automatically add spaces at the end of the data field when using the data fields @F316 and @F317, as well as @F603 and @F604. * New parameter FieldAppendNoAutoSpace in options.cfg file, to disable automatic spaces for the data fields @F316, @F317, @F603 and @F604. * New parameter CAPISetChannels in options.cfg file, to manually set the number of B-channels for each controller. * New parameter ODBCDisableTime in options.cfg file, to disable ODBC database access for a predefined time period (i.e. for backups). * New parameter FilesystemStatusFields in options.cfg file, to add individual data fields to the status file for the fax import through the file system. * New parameter MailRetryRequiredAttachment in options.cfg file, to automatically do multiple attempts for emails with missing required attachments added through the data field @F606. * New parameter FaxOverMailSubject in options.cfg file, to individually set the subject for faxes sent through email. * New parameter POP3SetSubjectField in options.cfg file, to store the original subject of the email in an individual data field. * New parameter SingleFaxCallNumberIgnore in options.cfg file, to prevent multiple faxes for specific fax numbers to be sent in a single fax call. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Fixed program error in POP3 service for emails with subject lines longer than 1024 bytes. ========================================== = Version 6.95 - Build 0321 [2019-10-17] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for Windows 10 Update 19H2 (Version 1909). * New parameter CAPILimitInboundChannels in options.cfg file, to limit the maximum number of incoming fax calls. * New parameter PrintReportFields in options.cfg file, to set data fields for the printout of sending reports. * New parameter ExportWithReport in options.cfg file, to include sending report details in the export of a fax. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Bug at the import of emails through POP3 protocol with long message texts with more than 4,096 bytes fixed. * Problem when saving the option to compress and pack archives has been solved. * Program error with the parameter LockEmail fixed. ========================================== = Version 6.92 - Build 0316 [2019-06-01] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for Windows 10 May 2019 Update (Version 1903). * Support for new Brooktrout driver version 6.11.0. * New Microsoft Compiler Toolset VS2019. * Support for italic format for HTML emails. * New parameter LockEmail in options.cfg file, to lock the email field. * New parameter AutoExportReferenceFile in options.cfg file, to create an additional reference file for the export of fax messages (i.e. XML). * New parameter ODBCTablePrefix in options.cfg file, to add a fixed text as a prefix of the table name. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Program crash with modem log fixed. * Program crash at import of PDF files with very large page format fixed. ========================================== = Version 6.90 - Build 0312 [2019-03-12] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for Windows 2019 Server. * Transaction journal for the faxlist database for a better recovery of the faxlist after a harddisk or file system failure. * Support for new Brooktrout driver version 6.9.3. * Automatic detection of print jobs for session 0 (Windows services) and display of the fax dialog window at the users default desktop. * Individual mail text for each user through the menu Communication / E-Mail / Text Options. * Individual authentication settings for each user through the menu Communication / E-Mail / Authentication. * New option in the fax client to automatically start the background process for the printer driver. * Automatic detection of the @ character of an email address when using multiple email addresses with the data fields @F111, @F212 and @F607. * Check email addresses for @ character and display a warning when entering an email address without that character. * New parameter TimeFormatSeconds in the options.cfg file, to also display seconds for time fields. * New parameter MailLimitHour in the options.cfg file, to limit the maximum number of emails to be sent within one hour. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Application fault with long data fields with more than 4,096 bytes fixed. * Application fault with string with more than 8,192 bytes fixed. * Problem in the function to test the connection to ConcordFax solved. * Application fault with notification mails with a subject with more than 255 bytes solved. * Automatic check of file permissions for the Compress and Temp folder and automatic lock of outgoing fax transmission when there is no write permission. ========================================== = Version 6.85 - Build 0306 [2018-10-25] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for Windows 10 Redstone 5 Update (Version 1809). * Implementation of TLS 1.2 encryption protocol. * New parameter TLSSetVersion in options.cfg file to force a specific TLS version to be used. * New parameters FaxOverMailFromName and FaxOverMailFromEmail in options.cfg file to set the sender name and email address for faxes sent through email. * Maximum length of the @F606 data field increased to 8,192 Bytes bytes. * New parameter ODBCPhoneWhere in options.cfg file to restrict the records to be imported from a data source when importing phone book entries through ODBC. * New parameter MailQuotedPrintable in options.cfg file to use the "Quoted Printable" instead of "8bit" encoding for text emails. * Command line parameter -NoPrinter in the Setup to disable the installation of the printer driver. * Additional notification when importing inbound faxes through POP3 or the file system in combination with the data field @F580. * New parameter PhoneImportMode in options.cfg file to also check the Group field when checking for existing phone book entries at the import of phone book entries. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with the detection of inline attachments with the POP3 service fixed. * Problem with deteection of existing user IDs for new user accounts solved. * Problem with notification mails for faxes sent through FaxOverMailDomain solved. * Bug when splitting archived faxes older than 30 days fixed. * SMTP status codes with more than 1,024 bytes have not been processed correctly. ========================================== = Version 6.80 - Build 0301 [2018-05-03] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for Windows 10 April Update 2018 (Version 1803). * New parameter MailDisableOutgoing in external parameters, to lock outgoing emails (only automatic notification emails are allowed). * New parameter FaxCollectCheckUser in external parameters, to also include the user name when collecting multiple faxes for the same fax number. * New parameter FaxOverMailDomain and FaxOverMailFormat in external parameters, to send fax documents through an email fax provider. * New parameter OutlookLoadContainers in external parameters, to just load a preset list of containers when accessing Outlook contacts. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * No changes ========================================== = Version 6.70 - Build 0293 [2018-03-06] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Adjustments in the printer driver to avoid missing fax dialog window on Windows 10 version 1709 and Windows 2016 version 1709 or newer. * Using a dedicated IP address on multihomed hosts for the fax server services through the parameter NetworkSetAdapter in the external parameters. * Checking for valid file names when using the parameter ExportFilename. * New parameter BlacklistNoDuplicateCheck in options.cfg file, to do not check for duplicate entries when importing entries from a file (faster processing of very large files). * New parameter PhoneNoDuplicateCheck in options.cfg file, to do not check for duplicate entries when importing entries from a file (faster processing of very large files). ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem when processing data fields from the clipboard in the ActiveFax printer solved. * Wrong sort order of ISDN channels when using more than 99 channels has been fixed; the appearance of the channel numbers can also be manually controlled through the new parameter CAPIDisplayDigits in the options.cfg file. ========================================== = Version 6.65 - Build 0289 [2017-11-20] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Improvements in the XCAPI interface to avoid timeouts. * Several modifications and enhancements for Windows 10. * Checking DID numbers for the longest matching number at inbound fax routing when DID numbers with variable length are used. * Automatically convert the date to the format "MMM DD, YYYY" for dates displayed in MDY format. * New parameter SingleFaxCallNumber in the options.cfg file, to just collect faxes for specific fax numbers to be sent in a single fax call. * New parameter HTTPAddFaxID, to automatically add the fax ID to the subject field for faxes sent through Web fax services. * Automatically save and preset the directory used in the export of multiple faxes on the fax client. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with the -PrinterResolution parameter solved in the setup program. * Program crash at notifications of locked fax messages with more than 20 pages fixed. ========================================== = Version 6.60 - Build 0284 [2017-06-20] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * New Microsoft Compiler Toolset VS2017. * Support for Brooktrout driver version 6.7.6. * Individual file format per user for attachments of email notifications. * New resolution of 1200 dpi and new parameter -PrinterResolution in the Setup for better image quality of documents in color or greyscale format. * ID for the data fields @F700 and @F701 (accumulated document) has been changed from 9-digit numeric to alphanumeric format with a maximum length of 250 characters. * New button to manually reset the license counter in the menu Communication / ActiveFax Server / License Overview. * New function in the AFPack tool to manually unpack compressed fax image files. * The UTF-8 character set is automatically used in the MIME header fields of emails with special characters. * Enhanced check for invalid characters in text files imported to the phone book or the user database. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Permission problem when enabling or disabling automatic startup of the fax client has been solved. * Problem with invalid date field in emails solved. * Problem when saving the settings for the appearance of the fax dialog window and the date format on the fax client solved. * Wrong file name for text attachments set through the data field @F602 fixed. ========================================== = Version 6.50 - Build 0278 [2016-10-24] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for Windows 2016 and Windows 2016 Core Server. * Automatic restart of the fax server service when the fax server terminates unexpectedly in application mode. * Automatic reconfiguration of file system permissions after an installation was moved to a new system. * Support for proxy servers for the update function. * Automatic detection of corrupted files when importing files from the file system. * New parameters NotifyFaxlistInboundIdle and NotifyFaxlistOffPeak in the options.cfg file to automatically generate a notification when no faxes have been received within a predefined time period. * New data field @F508 to individually control printouts (print only after successful transmission / print only failed faxes / print always / print never). * New parameters UserImportDelete and GroupImportDelete in the options.cfg file to delete entries not included in the import file. * Wildcards (question marks) used in dialing rules can now be used at a variable position of a number. * New parameter GhostscriptRetry in options.cfg file to automatically do multiple attempts when the conversion of a file fails. * Extended list of error codes for the transmission protocol. * Automatic processing of control files in .xml format for file system import. * New parameter ModemResolutionAutoCorrect in options.cfg file to automatically detect and correct faxes with a wrong resolution (affects mainly LANCOM routers). ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Bug when loading empty archiv folders solved. * Problem with the appearance of extended fields and comment fields on systems with multiple screens solved. * Dynamic buffer size when reading list of installed printers on systems with a huge number of printers (more than 200). * Problem with the parameter DIDExactMatch in options.cfg file for users with multiple extension numbers solved. * Automatic replacement of space characters with an underscore in export file name when using the MailNotifyLink parameter. * Wrong display of the port name when aborting a fax job (displayed COM instead of ISDN for ISDN adapters). * Problem with disabled sounds on the fax client fixed. * Field width of the time field in the Charge Optimization / Time Limits dialog was too short. ========================================== = Version 6.20 - Build 0271 [2016-03-07] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * New function to automatically import groups in the User Administrator. * New function to globally set the column selection and sort order of the faxlist and the phone books for all fax clients. * Redesign of the background print process tsclientb.exe (a separate background process for each user session is no longer required). * Support of post dialing information (DTMF digits) for ISDN and XCAPI. * New option to start a separate process for each ActiveFax print job. * Automatically use predefined settings for fax documents received through POP3. * Processing of POP3 messages of the type "Image" or "Application" even when they are not sent as attachments. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Workaround for Exchange bug (wrong message size) in POP3 protocol. * Problem with disabled file extension check for fax import through POP3 solved. * Bug with wrong charge information with some ISDN boards fixed. * Problem with missing dialog window for print jobs to the ActiveFax printer fixed. ========================================== = Version 6.15 - Build 0268 [2015-12-03] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Receipt of outbound faxe messages from email accounts (POP3 mailbox). * Support of 32-bit and 64-bit Ghostscript installations for any fax server platform. * New Microsoft compiler toolset for more robust and faster program code. * Direct support of PDF and Tiff attachments when using the data field @F702. * Automatic scan of the import directory for attachment files when using the data field @F702 with fax jobs processed through the file system. * Support of IDN coding for email addresses with special characters. * Button for direct download of Ghostscript in the File System and POP3 Server dialog boxes. * Automatically lock fax messages in PDF format on a fax server with missing Ghostscript installation. * New parameter PrintFooter in the options.cfg file to add a footer to the printout of fax messages. * New option "RESEND" for the FaxlistActivityLog parameter in the options.cfg file. * New parameter DisableSendAgain in the options.cfg file, to disable the "Send Again" function for users without Administrator permission. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Memory leak in ActiveFax printer driver fixed. * Permission problem with automatic start of updates on the fax client fixed (active beginning with the next update). ========================================== = Version 6.10 - Build 0264 [2015-03-17] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * New user interface for all program components. * Support for Windows 10. * New Download Manager for direct download of updates from the fax server with support for mixed 32-bit/64-bit installations and multiple language installations. * New permission setting to set the delete permission for individual users. * Optimized field selection for list views. * New parameter NotifyFaxlistBacklog in options.cfg file. * Preserve logon settings for the fax server service on updates. * Preserve printer parameters for the ActiveFax printer on updates. * New command line parameter -AddPrinter in the setup to install additional ActiveFax printers. * Error when saving PDF documents in Adobe Acrobat XI solved by using a different encoder for PDF documents. * Integration of the options.cfg file in the fax server user interface. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Delay in the empty recycle bin function with fixed. * Error in RAS (Remote Access Service) for mail server connections solved. * Problem with the ActiveFax printer driver and missing write permission on the Windows temp directory solved. * Error with group mapping of the User Administrator in 64-bit versions fixed. ========================================== = Version 5.15 - Build 0248 [2014-12-16] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Optimization of the XCAPI interface. * When changing the sort sequence for the faxlist to date order, automatically use the date and the time column for the sort sequence. * Support for Brooktrout driver version 6.7.1. * New parameter MailLimitSession in the options.cfg file, to limit the number of emails per session. * New parameter MailLimitMinute in the options.cfg file, to limit the number of emails within one minute. * New parameter FaxlistActivityLog, FaxlistActivityLogFields, FaxlistActivityLogSize and FaxlistActivityLogDelimiter in the options.cfg file, to create a log file for status changes of faxlist entries (i.e. deleting, printing, etc.). * Display information about the installed Ghostscript version on the fax server. * New parameter XeroxNetworkUsername in the options.cfg file, to evaluate the NETWORKUSERNAME field for scan jobs sent from Xerox scanners. * Added an internal scheduler of failed export attempts and automatic retry of the export (i.e. when exporting to a temporary unavailable network share). * New parameter PrintCopyText in the options.cfg file, to print an individual text on each printout when printing multiple copies of a fax. * New parameter ExportProtocol in the options.cfg file, to create a log file for automatic fax exports. * New parameter MailNotifyFromName and MailNotifyMailEmail in the options.cfg file, to set a fixed name and email address for the sender of notification emails. * New parameter WindowCaption in the options.cfg file, to set an individual window caption for the fax server, the fax client and the ActiveFax printer. * New parameter InternalFaxRouting in the options.cfg file, to internally route faxes based on DID numbers (without sending the fax through a modem). * New parameter FilePrefixCoverPage, FilePrefixInstant and FilePrefixOverlay in the options.cfg file, to select the cover pages and overlays to be displayed in the dropdown box. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Program crash when printing sending reports solved. * Problem with login on some mail servers solved (the domain name for the HELO command was not accepted). * Problem with the printer port configuration for the ActiveFax printer solved. * Wrong default access codes from the TAPI interface for long distance calls for the US changed from 0 to 1. * Problem with status evaluation on some mail servers solved (failed mail submissions have been reported as successful). * Evaluation of alias names for the fax client login through Windows login. ========================================== = Version 5.10 - Build 0245 [2014-05-20] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Automatic configuration of exceptions for the Windosw Firewall. * New toolset for the compiler (support for Windows versions older than Windows XP is no longer available). * Support for Brooktrout driver version 6.6.0. * New option to automatically compress and pack fax image files. * New option to automatically clean-up the recycle bin after x days. * Blacklist to automatically block outgoing and incoming faxes for specific fax numbers. * Automatic synchronisation of the fax server when switching from service mode to application mode and vice versa. * Automatic check for reference files (data fields) with the extension .ref when importing fax documents through the file system. * Running Ghostscript as a separate process instead of loading it as a DLL. * Information if ActFax is running as 32-bit or 64-bit in the Info dialog. * Warning message when importing PDF files through the file system without having Ghostscript installed. * Automatically adding missing file extensions when using the data field @F602. * New parameter UserLimitedList in options.cfg file to only show permitted users in the user dropdown list. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with Brooktrout TR114 driver integration solved. * Problem with .jpg files with a dot in the file name for the data field @F000 solved. * Problem with display of the fax dialog window solved. ========================================== = Version 5.05 - Build 0238 [2014-01-15] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for color images (Jpeg files) for PDF documents for cover pages, overlays and the data field @F000. * Country specific character sets for the ActiveFax Truetype fonts. * New font "ActiveFax Internal" for printer internal fonts. * AFPack tool to compress and pack the fax image files into a single package file. * Support for multiple terminal sessions per user and automatic startup of the tsclientb.exe process through the printer spooler. * Setup checks if ActFax is installed as 32-bit or 64-bit and displays a warning message when bitness changes. * Setup checks if Outlook is installed as 32-bit or 64-bit and displays a warning message when bitness of the ActFax installation differs. * Setup checks if the installation path is correct when bitness changes from 32-bit to 64-bit and vice versa. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Automatic line break for the Error Text field on the sending report. * Wrong cursor positioning in the PCL converter fixed. * Problem with Tiff compressed bitmaps in the PCL converter solved. * Problem with startup of tsclientb.exe process after switch from 64-bit to 32-bit version solved. ========================================== = Version 5.03 - Build 0235 [2013-08-22] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Truetype font for the ActiveFax font to format data fields. * Support of StartTLS (port 587) for mail server connections. * Enhanced print job status processing. * Overview of attachments (data field @F606) for notification mails. * Individual priority levels for outgoing faxes sent through Web fax services. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Buffer overflow with user import from text files solved. * Timeout problem for communication with Web fax services solved. * Evaluation of National Number and International Number flags for Calling Party field added. * Problem with inverted display of imported Tiff files solved. * Extended data buffer for dropdown list of cover pages and overlays. ========================================== = Version 5.01 - Build 0232 [2013-01-17] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for Windows 8. * Support for Windows 2012. * Better labeling of failed fax transmission on sending reports. * Automatic check for updates by the fax server. * Automatic rollout of updates on fax client. * Overview of users used for licensing on the fax server. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem when printing to network printers in offline mode solved. ========================================== = Version 4.32 - Build 0227 [2012-08-29] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * SSL/TLS encryption for mail servers (i.e. Gmail). * SSL/TLS encryption for Web fax services. * Default options.cfg file after installation of the fax server. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with import of multi-page Tiff files with big endian encoding solved. * Problem with empty user name in HP Digital Sender interface solved. * Error with import of Tiff G4 files (MMR compression) fixed. ========================================== = Version 4.31 - Build 0225 [2012-05-22] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Interface for ConcordFax Web Fax Service (www.concordfax.com). * Support for Brooktrout driver version 6.5.2. * Automatic error detection and checksums for data files. * New parameter ModemErrorSwitchClass in options.cfg file. * Individual SMTP authentication for each user. * Email notifications for conversion errors with Ghostscript. * New parameter FilesystemReferenceFileExt in options.cfg file. * Improved checkup of fax numbers. * Enhanced character set for HP-Laserjet printer emulation. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with the fax dialog window on terminal servers and Windows 8 and Windows 2008 systems solved. * Problem with the conversion of imported Tiff files with 2D-MR solved. * Problem with fax transmission on PrimuX ISDN boards solved. * Problem at termination of tsclientb.exe process sovled. * Problem with communication with certain fax modems solved. * Dialing rules in eFax Web Fax Service changed. ========================================== = Version 4.27 - Build 0223 [2011-06-16] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * New Venali/eFax interface for Web based fax services. * Support for Brooktrout driver version 6.3.0. * New option in User Administrator to accept Windows users for login. * New data field @F507 to automatically delete faxes. * Feature to lock faxes opened on multiple client workstations. * New parameter NoPhonebookLookup in options.cfg file. * New parameters FreeTextLabel and FreeTextSelection in options.cfg file. * Support for Tiff files for HP Digital Sender scanners. * New parameter PhoneCheckDuplicate in options.cfg file. * Automatically save settings when running the fax server in service mode. * New parameter ModemExplicitSelection in options.cfg file. * New parameter ModemSuppressNumberPresentation in options.cfg file. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with automatic import of user database solved. * Problem with login of user names with special characters solved. * Possible program crash when opening the fax server user interface solved. * Problem when using the data field @F602 as part of a file name solved. * Problem with conversion of PDF files that included the data field @F599@ solved. * Dial user extension number in full length for outgoing calls (ISDN and Brooktrout). * Problem with Bcc in emails solved. * Validity check for data fields in PDF and Postscript files. * Use internal access code for fax numbers with dialing rules. ========================================== = Version 4.25 - Build 0221 [2010-02-11] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * New license key format (20-digit license keys). ========================================== = Version 4.20 - Build 0219 [2009-12-15] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * New help function for Windows Vista, Windows 2008 and Windows 7. * New function to individually resize bitmap comments. * Automatic import of the user database. * Display of the fax server icon in the system tray in Windows Vista/2008/7. * Display file name of missing data files in the Status field of the faxlist. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with received faxes with Eicon/Dialogic Diva boards solved. * Correct detection of data fields at the end of PDF files. * Problem with inbound faxes with changing resolution on Brooktrout fax boards solved. * Problem with stretched inbound faxes received in normal resolution on ISDN boards solved. * Memory leak in terminal server operation solved. * Problem with detection of Windows version in Windows 2008 Server solved. ========================================== = Version 4.18 - Build 0218 [2009-05-28] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit. * Support for Brooktrout SDK 6.0 drivers for 64-bit systems. * New parameter -IP to automatically preset the fax server IP address in the setup. * New parameter MailNotifyTextRecv and MailNotifyTextSend in the options.cfg file to individually configure the message text for notification emails. * Enhanced support for meta data for Xerox Workcentre scanners. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with ODBC database connections on 64-bit systems solved. * Problem with incoming calls with incoming faxes disabled solved for ISDN boards. * Invalid file format of exported .bmp files solved. * Conversion problem of PDF files in Ghostscript solved. * Problem with cover pages and overlays used with digitally signed faxes solved. * Error message regarding empty documents on Windows Vista systems solved. * Problem with empty data fields in notification mails used in combination with the MailNotifySubjectRecv parameter solved. * Problem with blocked fax transmission when an email address has been entered instead of a fax number solved. ========================================== = Version 4.16 - Build 0217 [2008-11-13] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * New option to automatically send multiple faxes to the same fax number in a single fax call. * New option ModemSendDelay in options.cfg file to automatically delay outgoing fax transmissions. * Support for Proxy server for Venali Web Fax Service. * New parameter ExportFilename in options.cfg file. * Support of multiple printers in data field @F503 (separated with semicolon). * New parameter ModemDIDAddPrefix in options.cfg file. * Support of receipt of multiple documents in a single fax call in fax class 1 mode. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with the installation of the printer driver under Windows XP with Service Pack 3 solved. * Problem with the conversion of PDF files in Ghostscript solved. * Receipt problem with Eicon ISDN boards solved. * Problem with special characters in Venali Web Fax Service solved. * Wrong modem status display in the communication window fixed. * Problem with large fax jobs with more than 25 pages in Venali Web Fax Service solved. * Problem with archive function after lost client connection solved. * Problem with ODBC database access with 64-bit version solved. * Problem with wrong user settings in accumulated documents in terminal services solved. ========================================== = Version 4.14 - Build 0216 [2008-04-18] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support of Venali Web Fax Service. * Support of multiple published applications for the same terminal session. * Support of * wildcard at the end of the CSID field in the phone book. * New option ExportFooter in options.cfg file. * Domain name of the senders email address is automatically used for mail server logon. * Support of extension numbers for Brooktrout/Cantata E1 and T1 fax boards. * Optimization of the user database for more than 500 user entries. * Limitation of the length of MSN and extension numbers to 8 digits removed for user entries. * New option to temporary disable inbound faxes. * New function to enter data fields in the Location or Comment field of the ActiveFax printer. * New parameter MailKeepTabs in options.cfg file. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with incoming faxes in V.34 mode with Mainpine modems solved. * Problem with wrong faxlist display after access of the user database solved. * Problem with printer driver with Windows Vista SP1 solved. * Problem displaying printer lists with more than 100 printers solved. * Data field @F502 was ignored when used in a file name or PDF file. * Problem with wrong character set in printer driver after character set change solved * Data field @F606 was ignored when used in a file name. * Problem with cursor position in PCL converter when using proportional spaced fonts solved. ========================================== = Version 4.12 - Build 0215 [2007-12-04] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support of Windows 2008 32-bit and 64-bit. * Support of Brooktrout driver version 5.1.2. * Support of GPL Ghostscript. * New parameter GIFFormat8Bit in options.cfg file. * New parameter ProtocolSetStatus in options.cfg file. * BCC for emails when email addresses are separated by comma (CC when email addresses are separated by semicolon). * New parameter DuplicateWarning in options.cfg file. * Faxpolling for analog fax modems through DTMF. * New parameter ProtoRecordAllIncoming in options.cfg file. * New parameter MailNotifyMaxRetry in options.cfg file. * Optimized fax transmission of shaded areas in PCL. * Support of data fields in file name when processing faxes through FTP. * Automatic processing of aborted faxes after system crash. * New parameter SetEmptyCSID in options.cfg file. * New parameter DisableClientIconPasswordin options.cfg file. * Search for reference file used with the data field @F500 in the import directory when importing faxes through the file system. * New parameter StatusNoMarkRead in options.cfg file. * Display overlays and cover pages also for inbound faxes. * Fax forwarding of inbound faxes to multiple fax numbers (separated with semicolon). ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Blocked fax queue after entering a fax with just local area code. * Problem detecting DTMF numbers with 10 or more digits. * Bug in PCL converter with parameters smaller than 1 and minus sign. * Prompt before overwriting an existing file when exporting faxes. * Problem with fax status display in the faxlist after aborting a fax. * Problem detecting the installation directory in the setup of Brooktrout TR114 driver. * Problem with data fields used in the file name when data field @F700 is used with timeout parameter. * Problem with sending clearance for locked faxes. * Problem with import of multi-page Tiff files without a NewSubfileType tag. * Problem with individual port settings when using Brooktrout TR1034 boards. ========================================== = Version 4.10 - Build 0214 [2007-04-25] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for 64-bit Windows (x64). * Digital signature for all executable program files. * New option ClipboardDataExchange in options.cfg file to submit data fields for the ActiveFax printer through the Windows Clipboard. * Enhanced support for published applications on terminal servers. * New options LoginProtocol and LoginLimitation in options.cfg file to log and restrict client access. * New data field @F506 to set the export file format. * New setup program with direct support of command line parameters. * New option to disable MMR compression in modem settings. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with fax dialog window displayed in the background with Windows 2003 and Vista. * Problem with automatic fax export to network drives with manual routing solved. * Wrong conversion of special characters in data fields when using Postscript files. * Automatic start of the fax server with Administrator permission under Windows Vista. * Data fields @F607 and @F608 have been ignored for faxes imported through the file system. * Incomplete display of the address field of Outlook address book entries. * Problem when reading new Xerox Workcenter files solved. * Added passive group membership to the import/export file of user data. * Possible wrong fax status (Undelivered) when the fax dialog window is closed while the selected fax is being transmitted. ========================================== = Version 4.05 - Build 0213 [2006-10-02] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support for Windows Vista. * Support of digital signatures through digiSeal Server software from secrypt (www.secrypt.com). * Support of Brooktrout/Cantata RoHS-compliant fax boards, including new driver version 5.0. * Support of Mainpine IQ boards. * New data field @F608 for email sending confirmations. * New option NotifyLockedFax in options.cfg to notify locked faxes. * Support of codepage 852 / Latin 2. * Using the individual sender email address of the owner of a fax for notification emails. * Support for multiple MSN separated with comma for fixed MSN setting for a controller to specify a separate MSN for each B-channel. * New parameter ModemIgnoreCSIDRouting in options.cfg file. * Using the menu Faxlist / Send again to send faxes with status Undeliverable again. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Wrong page orientation when printing received faxes when page orientation of the HP-Laserjet emulation was configured to Landscape format. * Resetting the user name of the fax when importing faxes through the file system. * Incomplete list of Outlook contacts when importing contacts from subcontainers of IPM.Contact. * Wrong size of text comments when sending faxes with normal resolution. ========================================== = Version 3.94 - Build 0212 [2006-03-31] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support of fax class 1.0 modems and V.34 fax (Super G3) for transfer rates of up to 33,600 bps. * Support of Mainpine RockForce fax boards. * Support of direct scanning from Xerox WorkCentre scanners. * Support of DTMF routing for Brooktrout fax boards. * Automatic creation of subdirectories when using the parameters AutoExportFilenameRecv and AutoExportFilenameSend in the options.cfg file. * New parameter DIDExpectedDigits in the options.cfg file to immediately answer incoming calls after a predefined number of DID digits have been received. * New data field @F607 to set the reply-to address for emails. * New parameter PrinterPaperSource in the options.cfg file to select the paper source for printers used for automatic printing. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Check integrity of user-defined folders when the fax server starts. * Check write permisson for central phone book when phone book entries are created directly from the Faxlist menu. * Automatically close fax client when no valid password has been entered. * Create status file when processing files through the file system also for faxes with status "No Recipient". * Problem initializing HST ISDN boards solved. * Possible program fault in the fax client when rotating faxes. * Check Administrator permission when running the fax server as a service. * Problem at hang-up of certain analog modems solved. ========================================== = Version 3.92 - Build 0198 [2005-08-11] = ========================================== ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * DTMF Routing for Voice capable modems (class 8 modems). * New option PhoneDisableExport in options.cfg to disable the export of phone book entries. * New option EmulateProprinter in options.cfg for IBM Proprinter support. * New parameter 'M' for the data field @F213, to send a message by email only when a valid email address is available. * New option to reset the status of entries in the transmission protocol to retransmit the transmission protocol with ODBC. * New option TiffFormatG3 in options.cfg for Tiff files in G3 format. * Field 'Dialed Number' added to the ODBC export of the transmission protocol. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Printing is not possible on the fax server after installation of the latest Windows Security Patch. * New option ModemQueueInterval in options.cfg to set the interval the faxlist is checked for pending faxes to be transmitted. * Verification of archiv folders after entries have been moved to the archive. * Registry path change from Software\Vogler Software to Software\ActFax Communication for new installations. * Compatibility problem with new Eicon Diva CAPI drivers. * Wrong column headers in export file of the faxlist. ========================================= = Version 3.91 - Build 0197 [2005-04-05] = ========================================= ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * New option RestrictServerAccess in the options.cfg file, to restrict the server access to certain IP addresses. * New menu item in the Faxlist menu to directly show the transmission protocol for a fax, based on the selected faxlist entry. * New option in the menu Extras / User Administrator / Notification to automatically mark received faxes as read, after they have been forwarded by email. * Detection of DID (direct dialing) information for Digi Datafire RAS T1. * New menu item in the Faxlist menu to set a flag for fax messages. * Display of the detailed response message of the mail server in the case of an error with the mail server. * New option UserNoModify in the options.cfg file, to prevent users from modifying their own settings. * New option PhoneNoCache in the options.cfg file, to disable the cache for the central phone book on the fax client. * New options AutoExportFilenameSend and AutoExportFilenameRecv in the options.cfg file to configure an individual file name for the automatic export of faxes. * Integration of Brooktrout TruFax 250 and TruFax 450 fax boards. * New option DataFieldsClearEmpty in the options.cfg file, to allow empty data fields to be used in a document (predefined settings are cleared). ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Error code 3315 with certain types of Eicon ISDN boards with latest CAPI drivers. * Problem with SMTP authentication with certain SMTP servers that send the "AUTH LOGIN" command as the last command. * Redesign of the memory concept for the conversion of fax messages to avoid black faxes under rare condidations on certain systems. * Correct background color for the toolbar window when running the fax server as a service with certain graphics cards. * Error code 503 at the initialization of Brooktrout TruFax boards after long time of operation. * Correct display of total number of pages in the transmission protocol for faxes that only transmit selected pages. * Transmission time in the transmission protocol synchronized with the time display in the fax title (under rare condidations there could have been a difference of one minute in previous versions). * Check of the length of text fields before exporting the transmission protocol to a database table through ODBC to avoid error messages on certain versions of SQL Server. * Problem with wrong column headers with the automatic export of the transmission protocol with individual column selection. * Problem with wrong fax title when the left or the right part of the fax title was empty. * Problem with empty direct dialing field in the export file with the export of the user database to a file. * Increased buffer size for the document name of the ActiveFax printer driver from 256 bytes to 1 kB to avoid errors with print jobs with very long document names. * Wrong default user name for instant fax messages on the fax client, if the transmission protocol has been opened prior of creating the instant fax message. ========================================= = Version 3.89 - Build 0196 [2004-12-09] = ========================================= ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Direct processing of Tiff files (G3 and G4 format) for outgoing faxes. * New option ModemErrorNextModem in options.cfg to automatically switch to the next available modem for failed fax transmissions on a modem. * Optimized restart of the fax server service. * Support for Eicon Diva Server Analog-4P/8P boards. * Allow data fields to by used as part of an email address for email notifications. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Error message at the login screen of the ActiveFax printer when the fax server is running for several months without a reboot. * Possible receiving problems with fax class 1 modem with error correction mode enabled. * Evaluate data field @F602 when used in a reference file (data field @F500) * Problem with printer list on systems with a huge number of printers solved. * Attachments used with the data field @F606 are now only deleted when the last email has been successfully sent. * Files with \n at the beginning of the file name have not been processed. ========================================= = Version 3.88 - Build 0195 [2004-07-08] = ========================================= ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Direct access to Outlook address books. * Data field @F606 has been extended to 8,000 characters. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Possible problem with empty data fields in the faxlist. * Possible timing problem when printing to the ActiveFax printer from a terminal server session (process TSClientB.exe terminates too early). ========================================== = Version 3.87 - Build 0194 [2004-06-03] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Support for Brooktrout TR1000, TR1034 and Trufax BRI fax boards. * Centralized license management on the fax server (license data no longer needs to be entered for the client installation). * Store private phone books for each user on the fax server rather than on the local client harddisk. * Individual attachment names for email attachments. * New optional timeout parameter for the data field @F700 for accumulated documents. * New parameter ModemUseSubPartyAddress in options.cfg (only ISDN). ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Automatic login on the fax client when automatically started and with the option Remember Password set did not work (since build 0191). * Faster screen refresh (no flicker) when displaying huge bitmaps in a fax message. * Permission problem with Registry in the printer driver with activated terminal server extensions. * Reset command (RSET) is no longer sent at the end of a mail transmission, since some SMTP servers abort with error code "554 Too many nonmail commands" when sending bulk mails. * Possible server crash when using the data field @F503 to automatically print faxes. * Wrong user setting when the owner of a message is manually changed and the new owner is not a member of the current group. ========================================== = Version 3.86 - Build 0193 [2004-03-29] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Support for Brooktrout TR114 and Trufax fax boards. * Passive group membership for users. * Optimized data transfer between server and client on slow network connections. * New parameter InternalFaxRouting for internal fax delivery. * Fax selection remains unchanged when faxes are deleted from the faxlist. * Automatic import of phone book entries from file. * New options MailNotifySubjectSend and MailNotifySubjectRecv for individual subject for mail notifications. * New parameter LockSender to lock sender data. * New option to turn the modem speaker off. * New option to specify an additional margin for outgoing fax transmissions. * Split function for received fax messages. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with cut margins when converting PDF and Postscript files with Ghostscript. * Correct page margin with Epson printer emulation and paper format A4 endless. * Transmission aborts of very complex documents on several ISDN boards solved. * Read-only access for status file tslock.dat to avoid warning messages with backup systems. ========================================== = Version 3.85 - Build 0192 [2003-10-22] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Error Correction Mode (ECM) for fax class 1 modems with automatic fallback. * T.6 (MMR) compression for fax class 1 modems. * Extended connection parameters in transmission protocol for ISDN modems. * Automatic archive search of fax documents for manual printing of sending reports. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * MR compression enabled by default for ISDN modems that have Error Correction Mode (ECM) disabled. ========================================== = Version 3.81 - Build 0191 [2003-09-10] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Scroll wheel works with mouse over document. * Support of data field @F703 (Overlay on/off) for Windows documents. * Search function in User Administrator. * Support for MultiTech MT5634ZBA-DID modem. * Option for sending clearance added to import/export function of dialing rules. * Email attachments in original format with data field @F606. * Larger dialog window for User Administrator, Transmission Protocol and Phone Book for large screen resolutions (1024x768 or higher). ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Configuration for automatic faxlist export has not been saved correctly. * Problem with out-of-data error with some AVM ISDN-boards with new CAPI drivers. * Wrong sort order for direct dial field in User Administrator. * Error in export function with file or directory names containing a dot. * Individual predefined user settings have been ignored in combination with the data field @F311 and the ActiveFax printer driver. * Problem with network error when printing to the ActiveFax printer on slow network connections. ========================================== = Version 3.81 - Build 0190 [2003-05-22] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Direct terminal server support for published applications. * Import/Export of user database. * New option for request of receipt confirmation for emails. * POP before SMTP authentication for emails. * New function to move archiv folders. * Notification (popup) window for undeliverable faxes. * Store size and position of application window on close. * New option ModemEnhancedStartup in options.cfg. * Enable forwarding of fax messages from the archive. * New option ModemRouteAreaCode in options.cfg. * New option to mark faxes immediately as read after they have been loaded. * New option ArchiveMoveMidnight in options.cfg. * New option to prevent a fax from being loaded by multiple fax clients. * New option to print all pages of a message on the sending report. * New option LockRecipient in options.cfg. * Display of CSID and fax number on email notifications and sending reports. * Direct dial field expanded to a maximum size of 500 characters in the user administrator. * New option GhostscriptResolution in options.cfg. * New menu to allow a user to modify his own settings. * Automatically close the program group window when the -Auto option is used for the setup. * New option EnhancedEscapeCodes in options.cfg. * Multiple SMTP server addresses separated with semicolon. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Wrong sender email address with automatically forwarded emails when the sender had a matching phone book entry. * Correct print date for faxes printed from the archive. * Page size has been ignored for cover pages used with instant fax messages. * Wrong data fields on cover pages on fax messages forwarded by email. * Modified CAPI buffer size to fix problem with Siemens Virtual CAPI. * Longer timeout when sending huge network packets. * Lost bitmap annotations with faxes manually moved to the archive. * Problem with document break when the data fields @F599 and @F000 were used on the same page in a Windows document. * Incorrect faxlist refresh after fax server change. ========================================== = Version 3.81 - Build 0189 [2003-02-04] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * New menu option to mark faxes as read. * CSID and fax number are included in sending reports. * New options for enhanced time limits for outgoing faxes. * New option ModemShowComment. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Optimized automatic restart of crashed services. * Problem with invisible faxlist solved. * Error code 126 (missing DLL file framedyn.dll) at printer installation on some Windows XP systems. * Missing pages in PDF files with more than 125 pages. * Modified init sequence for some modem types. * Problem with incoming faxes while preparing for sending with Gammalink boards. * Case sensitive password in FTP authentication. ========================================== = Version 3.81 - Build 0188 [2002-11-29] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * PDF file format for email attachments and file export. * Email notification on server errors. * New option for individual Read/Unread status per user. * New option ReceiveErrorReject to reject erroneous faxes. * Display of user name for client connections on the server. * Import of the Comment field in phone book import from file. * New option ForceSubject to force the user to enter a subject. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * No changes ========================================== = Version 3.61 - Build 0187 [2002-10-29] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Automatic restart of the fax service after unexpected termination. * New option ModemCharge in options.cfg to calculate charge based on transmission time. * Support for CND signals for analoge modems. * New option for FTP authentication. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with unsupported fax class when receive mode is disabled with some modem types. * Wrong default user name in login screen on Windows XP. * Execute modem reset as a separate command in the modem init string. * Correct page width for faxes in landscape format. * Optimized timeout for errors in ODBC. * Checking duplicate email addresses in phone book import. * Transparent display of shaded areas in PCL converter. ========================================== = Version 3.61 - Build 0186 [2002-09-09] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Enhanced compression of archiv files with new tool afcompr.exe. * Individual user mapping per line with Dialogic Gammalink fax boards. * New parameters EXPORT, LOCK and UNLOCK for data field @F555. * New parameter ErrorRetry in Options.cfg. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Parameter "attachment" added in tag "Content-Disposition" for emails with attachments. * Missing bitmaps in archived faxes. * Paket size for TCP/IP connections reduced from 8 kB to 1 kB. * Fixed problem with fax extensions when using from-to range. * Correct conversion of font size in Instant Fax Messages. ========================================== = Version 3.61 - Build 0185 [2002-06-12] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * No text length limitation for Instant Fax Messages. * New option MailKeepFormfeed (options.cfg) to preservce formfeeds in Email messages. * Automatic size adjustment of bitmap files when using the data field @F000. * New option PageLimit (options.cfg) to automatically lock large fax messages. * New parameter -Printer in the Setup program to only install the printer driver. * Command line option -Server:ip-adresse to start the fax client multiple times. * Number of maximum selectable entries in listviews increased to 64,000. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with certain modems operating in fax class 1 mode (error code 26). * Possible protection fault when sending HTML Emails bigger than 8 kB. * Delayed evaluation of the fax extension number when using ISDN boards directly on a P2P (Point to Point) line. * Error in archive function when the option for automatic archiving was disabled. ========================================== = Version 3.61 - Build 0184 [2002-03-20] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Automatic modification of the fax header name when changing the registration settings. * Allow Drag-and-Drop in archive mode when using the option "ArchiveIgnoreStatus". * New option to create a link to the export file in email notifications. * Faxrouting with ISDN-Modems operating in analog mode. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with RAS connections in Windows 95/98/ME. * Next Fax-ID and Protocol-ID in the Options settings is only stored when the ID has been modified. ========================================== = Version 3.61 - Build 0183 [2001-12-20] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Possibility to cancel an active fax transmission from the fax client program when the fax entry is locked or deleted. * Allow usage of data fields in the email body text. * New option, to lock the field User Name. * New option, to add a delay after a fax transmission. * New option, to ignore empty documents sent to the ActiveFax printer. * New option, to automatically empty the recycle bin. * New option, to use the fax-id for the file name of email attachments. * New control file FieldsP.dat (alternative to Fields.dat), to set permanent data fields. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Modifieed detection of available COM-Interfaces. * Corrupted Multipage-Tiff email attachment since build 0182. * Superscript and Subscript added to Epson emulation. ========================================== = Version 3.61 - Build 0182 [2001-11-12] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Multiple recipients in email addresses using CC, separatet either with a comma sign or with a semicolon. * New data field @F505 for automatic export. * Automatic checking of the data fields @F211 and @F212 for valid fax numbers and email addresses. * New option, to move fax messages to the archive, regardless of the status. * New option, to lock the field Cover Page, Overlay and Modem in the fax dialog window. * New option, to ignore shaded areas in fax messages. * New option, to treat fax messages without a valid recipient the same way than undeliverable messages (notification). ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Revised and optimized CAPI interface. * Overlapped text display in instant fax messages in combination with cover pages using full page bitmaps. * Problem with backslash at the end of data fields in the windows printer driver. * Multipage-Tiff file format for outgoing faxes on Dialogic fax boards, because of page number limit in GDK driver. ========================================== = Version 3.61 - Build 0181 [2001-10-01] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * New option to hide the weekday in date display. * Email notification for multiple recipients, separated by comma or semicolon. * New option to display timestamp on printout of all pages. * Underline for emails in text format. * New data field @F504 to specify the number of copies for automatic printing. * New option to hide the list of available user names. * Export of fax message through a printer driver (i.e. through Acrobat Distiller to create PDF files). * New option to lock the field 'Cost Account Code'. * New option to lock the checkbox 'Save Password'. * Tiff Group 4 Format for fax export. * Multiple direct dial numbers (MSN) per user, separated by comma and/or hyphen. * New data field @F703 to control appearance of overlays. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Data field @F314 has been ignored for faxes created with the ActiveFax printer. * Possible GPF for fax list entries with very long text. * Delay when importing a huge number of files from the file system. * Problem with the display of the list of read fax messages. * Problem with 100 % CPU usage. * Status of the 'save flag' after import of dialing rules. * Wrong character set for special characters in combination with the @F599@ data field. * Problem with multipage fax mesages in combination with Gammalink boards (gfccontrol). * Number of copies ignored when printing all selected fax messages. * Error when exporting the faxlist to a drive different than the temporary drive. * ODBC data types DATE, TIME and DATETIME/TIMESTAMP submitted in native format. ========================================== = Version 3.61 - Build 0180 [2001-07-31] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Import and export of dialing rules. * New field "Dialed Number" in the transmission protocol. * Additional resolution of 400 dpi in the Windows printer driver. * Automatic uninstallation of the software through command line paramters. * Data field @F408 for an individual Fax-ID. * Automated accumulated documents with the data fields @F700 and @F701. * Attachments in LaserJet format with the data field @F702. * Shaded frames in the cover page designer. * Display of the month on text format. * Mark received faxes as read after automatic export. * Individual file format for the automatic export of fax messages. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Lock file before automatic export of fax message. * Bug in HPGL converter. * Move cursor to the search field by default in the phone book. * Use file format from the configuration for email attachments. ========================================== = Version 3.61 - Build 0179 [2001-06-08] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Optimized Windows printer driver for better fax quality and smaller disk files. * Comparison of the Forward field for the import of the phone book from a file. * Individual resolution (dpi) for the export of fax messages. * Search window for cost account codes. * Individual @-character for data fields. * Input of ASCII values for the export function possible as a number and as a character. * New data field @F320 for reference of the id number in the phone book. * Automatic setting of the page size between Letter and A4 during the setup. * Reference of the user name with #USER# in the data field @F000. * Automatic export of the transmission protocol to file after each modification. * Individual settings for each port for Dialogic Gammalink Boards. * File for ignored modem errors with the file ModRetry.cfg. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with decimal values in PCL converter. * Problem with inverted printout on certain laser printers. * Problem with position and left margin in PCL converter. * Security leakhole for locked faxes without sending clearance. * Problem with data field @F500 refered by the document name in combination with files bigger than 4 kB. ========================================== = Version 3.42 - Build 0178 [2001-05-02] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * New column in the faxlist to display when and from whom a fax has been last printed. * New option to save the last user selection in the Fax Client program. * New data field @F603 for individual email text. * As an alternative to the file Fields.dat the file Common\Fields\Username.dat can be used on terminal servers. * New option to disable scaling of received faxes for printing. * Individual selection of the resolution (dpi) of email attachments. * Automatically set the service dependencies when using a Dialogic Gammalink fax board. * New data field @F502 to ignore certain pages of a fax. * Alternative usage of the "%" sign instead of "\" for data fields. * Nonprintable areas (page margins) have been removed from the fax printer driver. * Processing of data fields in the file name when importing faxes through the file system. * Export of all faxes that are selected in the faxlist. * New data field @F503 to automatically print a fax. * New data field @F605 to set the file format and resolution for emails attachments. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Saving important files without buffering (caching) to avoid loss of data on unexpected system crashes. * Problem during initialization of some Teles ISDN boards fixed. * Problem with text cursor position in HP-LaserJet emulation fixed. * Problem with wrong data rate in the status window when using a Dialogic Gammalink fax board has been fixed. * Problem with auto start function when running the Setup from CD-ROM fixed. * Problem in Ghostscript converter with PDF files in landscape format solved. * Decimal values in HP-LaserJet emulation now also accepts the comma sign (,). * Problem with invers printouts on some printers fixed. ========================================== = Version 3.42 - Build 0177 [2001-03-13] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Validation of fax numbers and email addresses. * New option to terminate the fax client without confirmation. * Extended parameters for the data field @F501 to individually control the appearance of the fax dialog window. * Parameters for the Setup program to automate the Setup process. * Status notification through the serial interface (RS-232). * Printing all selected fax messages. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Wrong column headers in the transmission protocol when updated from an earlier version. * Wrong position of the cover page data field @F316 for instant fax messages. * Wrong subject (document title) for fax jobs create with the printer driver on Windows NT and Windows 2000. ========================================== = Version 3.42 - Build 0176 [2001-01-31] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Dialing rules in the modem configuration. * Enhanced search function (multiple search terms) by using the pipe character (|). * Support of wheelmouse. * New option to ignore cover pages and overlays for email messages. * New printer font "ActiveFax Fixed" for the Windows printer driver, since scaleable fonts are not displayed by some applications (e.g. MS FoxPro) in Windows 2000. * Optional usage of domain names for the logon function on Windows NT service (e.g. \\domain\user). ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Notification bug for new fax messages in the fax client program. * Allow space characters in the path name for the data field @F000. * Wrong menu item for the import function of the private phone book in the German version of the fax client. * Correct processing of Windows documents with the printer emulation set to Epson. ========================================== = Version 3.42 - Build 0175 [2001-01-03] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Official release for Windows-ME. * Full user rights for common directories on NTFS. * Keyboard shortcuts for fax zooming with F9 key. * Time limits for fax transmissions depending on priority. * Manual printout of sending reports through transmission protocol. * Individual position of images created with the @F000 data field. * Option to automatically delete protocol entries after ODBC export. * Individual name of email text attachments with the data field @F602. * Support for Ghostscript version 6.50. * Individual export of fax messages for every user. * Individuel configuration of Multi-Controller ISDN boards ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Duplicate import of phone book entries on some ODBC drivers because of wrong interpretation of NULL values. * Automatic usage of the MSN 0 for ISDN adapters, since some phone systems block outgoing calls without a MSN. * Wrong subject on cover pages for email notifications. * Filter for data fields with new line characters * Problem in the PCL converter with macros * Correct display of the free disk capacity in the Setup * Compatibility problem with old versions of COMCTL32.DLL ========================================== = Version 3.42 - Build 0174 [2000-11-17] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Individual configuration and sorting of phone book columns. * Support of Tobit fax commands, especially for faxing from KHK software. * New option to avoid sending more than one fax to the same fax number at the same time. * New option to prevent a user from changing the owner of a fax. * Support for notification files for failed faxes through the file system. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problem with Registry-Access on some Windows-NT systems. * Wrong position of the window frame when resizing internal windows. * Wrong field order in the English version of the phone book. ========================================== = Version 3.42 - Build 0173 [2000-11-09] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Enhanced Fax Class 1 implementation. * New function to duplicate user entries. * The printer resolution is automatically limited to 600 dpi for received faxes to increase printing speed. * The resolution for email attachments can now be changed. * When the data field @F311 (user name) is used on cover pages and in the title of a fax, the entire user name is used instead of the login name. * Individual file name for the private phone book (e.g. to store it on a file server and automatically create a backup). * On the client, the central phone book is now only loaded from the server, when there were changes since the last access. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * A timing problem for incoming faxes on some ISDN boards has been fixed. * The notification window is now also displayed for manually routed faxes. ========================================== = Version 3.42 - Build 0172 [2000-10-23] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Phonebook entries are now automatically deleted when importet through ODBC. * The status of received faxes is automatically set to unread of manual routing. * External data fields (field @F500) can ow also be used in Windows documents and in normal documents. * The HPGL command set has been enhanced. * The TCP/IP port for the SMTP protocol can now be individually changed. * The data field @F599 can now also be used in normal documents to separate documents. * The name of the weekdays can now be forced to be always displayed in English language. * The rotation of incoming faxes is now stored. * The installation directory of ActiveFax is now scanned for the file "Fields.dat" and evaluated for data fields when printing with the Windows printer. * The creation of private fax messages can now be controlled for individual users with a new permission in the User Administrator. * The access to SMTP Servers can now be done also with user authentification (login). ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * The automatic export of the faxlist is now done to a temporary file first to avoid access problems with other processes. * The performance of the import of phone book entries from external files has been optimized. * The automatic detection of the Postscript emulation has been enhanced. * The number of copies was calculated wrong when printing multiple copies, when the printer was capable of creating automatic copies. * For the parameter of the SMTP command HELO, the SMTP server address is now used, since some mail servers checked this parameter. ========================================== = Version 3.42 - Build 0171 [2000-08-18] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Option to automatically mark received faxes as read, after automatic printing. * Free positioning of the text on a cover page using a dedicated field. * Long fax pages are automatically splitted to several individual pages for received faxes. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Bug in the PCL converter for Macro Overlays and Cursor Positioning. * Bug for the data field @F304 in Windows documents. ========================================== = Version 3.42 - Build 0170 [2000-07-07] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Automatic export of the transmission protocol to an ASCII file. * Option, to allow deleting of fax messages only to users with Administrator permission. * New feature, to automatically delete old fax messages. * Timestamp on the printout of received fax messages. * Validation of cost account codes. * Option, to send text emails as an attachment. * Option, to dial the net access number at the end of the fax number ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Correction of proportional font scaling * Detection and termination of Client connections, when the network connection has been lost. * Automatic printing of unsuccessful fax messages, when the Report option has not been enabled. ========================================== = Version 3.42 - Build 0169 [2000-05-31] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * The new data field @F599@ can be used to split a Windows document to multiple fax jobs. That way form letters can be easily created without the need for using macros. * It is now possible to update more than just one entry in the faxlist. That way the priority and other data can be changed very comfortable for multiple faxes. * The page margin for the text on a cover page can now be specified in the Cover Page Designer. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * On Windows NT under certain circumstances it was not allowed to write to the Temp directory of ActiveFax when the NTFS was used. Now the system temp directory is used in that situation, but it is recommended to grant the file permissions in NT in that situation. ========================================== = Version 3.42 - Build 0168 [2000-05-18] = ========================================== ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Support for Dialogic Gammalink Faxboards. * Import of the phone book on the Fax Client. * Configuration for multiple local area codes. * Optimized TIFF format for fax export (file size reduced about 30 percent). * Optimized driver for Fax Class 1 modems. * Separate configuration of the automatic fax export for incoming and outgoing messages. * Automatic printing and notification for incoming fax messages on manual routing with Drag-and-Drop. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * The focus of the dialog window in the printer driver on Windows 2000 is now set automatically. * The raster settings in the Cover Page Designer are now set correct for saved cover pages. * When security settings are enabled and the recipient of a fax has already been specified using data fields, no further password check is done in the Windows printer driver. ========================================= = Version 3.4 - Build 0167 [2000-04-28] = ========================================= ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * The Email notification will now be sent to the Email address of the sender when the Email address of the user is empty. * Automatic export of the faxlist. * New option to avoid that the modem automatically resets to data mode. * Automatic conversion between different paper sizes for fax transmission. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * At the import of Postscript files, the @-sign in Email addresses has not been detected correctly. * When specifying more than one recipient in the Windows printer driver when running in Passthrough mode, the recipients had been imported with duplicates under certain circumstances. ========================================= = Version 3.4 - Build 0166 [2000-04-03] = ========================================= ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * New feature for the automatic export of fax messages. * Option to append the original fax message at the end of the Email for sending notifications. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * No changes ========================================= = Version 3.4 - Build 0165 [2000-03-27] = ========================================= ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Support of Windows NT Terminal Server (Citrix). * Individual text for Emails with an attachment. * New option to print the automatic protocol only for unsuccessful fax messages. * New option to allow fax messages to international recipients when imported from the central phone book. * New option to urge the user to enter a cost account code. * New feature for the automatic export of fax messages ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Problems when importing entries from the private phone book when the access to the central phone book was not allowed for the user. ========================================= = Version 3.2 - Build 0164 [2000-03-06] = ========================================= ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Automatic dialing of the national access code can now controlled with a new option. That way, for example, the fax number 800-123-4567 will be automatically dialed as 0800-123-4567. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * The incorrect interpretation of the data field @F213 (selection Fax or Email) in the Windows printer driver has been fixed. ========================================= = Version 3.2 - Build 0163 [2000-02-07] = ========================================= ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * For Cover Pages it is now possible to enter individual text per fax message in a separate field. * The automatic display of the dialog window when faxing from Windows applications can now be individually configured. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * In the HP-LaserJet (PCL) emulation, the Overlay features has been activated. Overlays are used, for example, to print forms by loading the data into the printer memory as a macro. ========================================= = Version 3.2 - Build 0162 [2000-01-31] = ========================================= ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * The data exchange between the Fax Server and the Fax Client is now done in compressed format. Especiall on connections with low bandwidth (e.g. leased lines) connection speed increases dramatically. * A new option has been introduced, which let's you decide whether fax messages should always be transmitted as complete pages or be cut after the last line of the page. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * The automatic detection of the available serial interfaces has been optimized. Multi I/O cards are now also be detected correctly. * The protocol for modems of fax class 1 has been optimized to meet the latest protocol standards. ========================================= = Version 3.2 - Build 0161 [2000-01-17] = ========================================= ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * The Fax Client now has a new option that can be used to avoid loading of overlays and cover pages. This can be useful on network connections with low bandwidth (leased lines) to increase loading speed. * The export of fax messages as well as the Email transmission can now also be done in Multipage TIFF format. This format can be used to store multiple fax pages in a single file. * The sending notification with Email is now also done in HTML format. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * On certain ISDN adapters, incoming calls that were not answered by the Fax Server caused the CAPI driver to not free all system resources. * When sending fax messages with the Windows printer driver, the transmission date was not correct, when the date format on the Fax Server and the Fax Client had been set to different values. * At the export of fax messages and Email transmissions in bitmap format, under certain circumstances, not all resources had been released. ========================================= = Version 3.2 - Build 0160 [1999-12-27] = ========================================= ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * The HP-LaserJet emulation has been adapted for the ICDS printing software for IBM S/390 mainframes. * The transmisson of Emails is now done in multipart/alternative format. That way an Email will be sent in text as well as in HTML format, thus enhanced formatting capabilities are available. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * When using ISDN adapters (CAPI), at unsuccessful transmission the number of correct pages reported in the transmission protocol was one page undercharged under certain circumstances. ========================================= = Version 3.2 - Build 0159 [1999-12-06] = ========================================= ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Bitmaps (signatures) can now be embedded in fax messages the same way than text fields. * The Windows Printer Driver has been enhanced with the font "ActiveFax". That way it is possible to add data fields directly in any Windows document. * Under Windows-NT and Windows 2000 all important Registry entries are now stored individually for every user (HKEY_CURRENT_USER). * Now it is possible to automatically send E-Mail notifications upon the transmission or receipt of a fax message. * The dial prefix from the Setup dialog is now stored and will be preselected as the default setting whenever applicable. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Optimized ISDN CAPI Interface (Teles S0/16.3c). ========================================= = Version 3.2 - Build 0158 [1999-11-12] = ========================================= ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Now it is possible to create individual folders for storing fax messages and therefore realize a complex archiving system. * Drag and Drop functionality has been added. Drag and dropped can be used to copy fax messages between folders and to set the user of a fax message. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * No changes ========================================= = Version 3.2 - Build 0157 [1999-11-08] = ========================================= ---------------- - New Features - ---------------- * Now it is possible to write text fields or comments directly into a fax messages. That way incoming fax messages can easily be answered. * The communication interface between the Fax Server and the Fax Client has been optimized. That way the network traffic has been reduced dramatically. * At the data exchange with ODBC it is now possible to configure the character set that should be used, because some ODBC drivers do not allow to change the character set. * When running the Fax Server as a Service, the access to shared resources on other computers in the network was limited. By entering the password of the Windows-NT Administrator this limitation can be avoided now. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Under certain circumstances the archiv data of the Fax Client has not been displayed correctly. * At the import of multiple entries from the phone book, an empty entry has been generated. * The maximum size of text fields for Cover Pages and Overlays has been expanded to 8192 characters. * On some Windows systems, the library MSVCRT.DLL was not present and therefore the printer driver has not been created. This file will now be installed whenever neccessary. ========================================= = Version 3.2 - Build 0156 [1999-10-27] = ========================================= ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * The access codes for national and international phone numbers can now be configured through the modem settings, because the predefined settings from Windows are not always correct. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * No changes ========================================= = Version 3.2 - Build 0155 [1999-10-14] = ========================================= ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * No changes ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * At some ZyXEL U1496 models with an old firmware, incoming calls were not always answered correctly. ========================================= = Version 3.2 - Build 0154 [1999-10-11] = ========================================= ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Fax messages in bitmap format are now displayed with Anti Aliasing technologie and are therefore much clearer than without. * ActiveFax now allows the transmission of messages as an E-Mail. The fax message will be converted to text format whenever possible or sent as an E-Mail attachment in TIFF or GIF format. The connection to the Internet can be established either direct or using a dialup connection. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * When deleting an entry of the transmission protocol with the Del key, the screen has not been refreshed correctly under certain circumstances. * When sending direct fax data with the Windows Printer Driver (without using the GDI), the Epson-LQ emulation has not been detected correctly. ========================================= = Version 3.1 - Build 0153 [1999-09-27] = ========================================= ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * The date format (previously fixed DD.MM.YYYY) will now be set according to the Windows date parameters. On demand, the date format can also be individually configured using the menu option Extras / Options. * New file formats TIF and GIF for the fax export. * New feature for the fax export trough the Windows Clipboard. * At the interpretation of data fields that contain Email addresses (@F111, @F212), it is no longer necessary to mask the @-sign. In all other data fields you still have to mask every @-character with a Backslash (\). ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * The graphics resolution for the fax export has been changed from 225 to 300 DPI. Furthermore, the resolution will be be stored correctly within the graphics file. ========================================= = Version 3.0 - Build 0152 [1999-09-04] = ========================================= ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * Support of the HP Digital Sender 9100 * Automatic setting of the recipient name based on the fax number of a phone entry. ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * Under Windows-NT the CAPI driver has sometime not been initialized correctly after modifications in the modem setup have been made. ========================================= = Version 3.0 - Build 0151 [1999-09-01] = ========================================= ----------------- - New Features - ----------------- * No changes ------------- - Bug Fixes - ------------- * No changes